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Looking to level up your allyship for the LGBTQ+ community?! 


The LGBTQ+ Allyship Scavenger Hunt is for you! 


This was created because I was experiencing a lot of passive allyship from those around me, and wanted to come up with a way for folks to be more active in their allyship for the LGBTQ+ community. The Scavenger Hunt is full of tasks for you to complete, some education based, some reflection based, and some action based.


The tasks are meant to be completed in the order they appear in the document (no skipping around!).There is not set time frame by which you need to complete the tasks - go at your own pace! 


This product is tailored to folks in the United States who are over 18 years of age. Folks outside of the US and under the age can benefit from purchasing the scavenger hunt and completing tasks, but keep in mind that this wasn't created specifically for those groups. 


Not sure if the LGBTQ+ Allyship Scavenger Hunt is for you? Check out the explainer video where I do a more in-depth explanation of the use. 


For the month of June 2024 (Pride Month!) - The LGBTQ+ Allyship Scavenger Hunt will be 25% off. Get it at the discounted rate while you can! 

LGBTQ+ Allyship Scavenger Hunt

$20.00 Regular Price
$15.00Sale Price
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